The hype of the Holiday season is over, and a New Year begins.
Gyms are inundated with new members, restaurants and bars look like ghost towns some days and credit card usage drops off.
New Year’s resolutions date back 4,000 years to the Babylonians, who celebrated their first barley harvest.
What percent of Americans make New Year resolutions?
Every year, 38.5% of US adults set New Year's resolutions. Age predicts one's likelihood of having at least one resolution, with younger adults being the most likely group to have such goals. 38.5% of U.S. adults set New Year's resolutions yearly, based on the average of five different studies over the past years.
It’s 2023. What are your New Year’s resolutions?
Here are a few:
To say New Year’s resolutions come and go would be an understatement. Statistically 43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year's resolution. Roughly 9% successfully keep their New Year's resolutions.
35% of people lose motivation
19% are too busy to follow through
Another 19% change their goals and/or priorities
The balance just gives up with no reason reported.
Unfortunately, there was no readily available data pertaining to the abandonment of resolutions by age group, maybe one day someone will decide to study that.
We have become a society of excesses - We have Dry January! A campaign started in 2013 by Alcohol Change U.K., a charity focused on reducing alcohol harm. The premise being no alcohol for the month of January to counter the effects of excesses during the holiday season.
Studies have shown the benefits of four weeks without alcohol. Blood pressure, cholesterol and heart rates have dropped. Sleep patterns improve. Risk of type 2 diabetes is lower and in one case insulin resistance has dropped significantly. Maybe I’m missing something but just a thought…… moderation.
One way to become part of the 9% that succeed - Only set New Year’s resolutions that are highly relevant, timely, and specific to you.
Maybe there’s a few simpler ways to succeed:
Why wait for the New year, if you want to change something about yourself, what you do, or how you do it, just decide to change it.
Set realistic goals and expectations.
Ask for help.
Keep track of your progress. One or two setbacks are hardly a reason to abandon your goals.
Spend and save a little more carefully as a matter of practice, money isn’t a perishable item – it doesn’t go bad if you don’t spend it.
Here’s to the 9%ers!
Good luck with your resolutions and all the best in 2023.